Accident & Emergency Department

Accident & Emergency Department

In case of an emergency, call our Emergency Ambulance Services if:

  • The area is not safe or conducive to assess the patient
  • The condition is life-threatening or can worsen with movement (i.e. possible neck or spinal injuries, etc.)

If the condition is not serious but requires immediate attention, administer first aid if possible, and bring the patient to our 24-hour emergency clinic for further investigation.

Emergency Centre Services
  • Acute surgical conditions (e.g. severe abdominal pain, gastrointestinal bleeding)
  • Medical emergencies (e.g. heart attack, stroke, severe asthma, pneumonia, shock, sepsis, etc)
  • Orthopaedic injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Paediatric urgent care for children’s emergencies
  • Acute ear, nose and throat (ENT) and eye emergencies
  • Any other emergency care services
03-5566 8888
019-666 6940
Our Emergency Services Team
Our dedicated team of multidisciplinary doctors and nurses are on standby at all times. When you arrive at our Emergency Care Centre, they will assess your condition and provide immediate first aid care if necessary. We also have specialists and surgeons on-call 24 hours a day to attend to your specific needs.
Our Urgent Care Specialists
What to Happens at the A&E Unit
  • A nurse or doctor will assess your condition with a quick check of your pulse, blood pressure, temperature, and breathing.
  • Based on urgency, patients will be classified as:
    • Red (Urgent)
    • Yellow ( Semi-Urgent)
    • Green (Normal)
  • Registration can be done before or after triage.
  • After triage, a doctor will see you for further examination.
  • Any required blood or laboratory tests will be conducted.
  • Depending on the severity of your condition, the doctor may prescribe medications, refer you to a specialist, or admit you if necessary.
Please note:
  • We use a triage system to prioritise urgent cases.
  • Patients needing immediate care will be treated first.
  • We strive to minimise waiting times. Our nurses are available to answer any questions and monitor your condition while you wait.
Facilities Available at Our 24-Hour Emergency Clinic:

Our A&E Department operates 24 hours, providing urgent care supported by various specialists. Our emergency services include:

  • Blood tests, including rapid point-of-care tests for influenza and dengue.
  • Diagnostic imaging (e.g., X-rays, CT scans)
  • Ambulance transportation
  • Stabilisation and transfer of acute coronary cases to the catheterisation lab
  • Stabilisation and transfer of stroke cases to the stroke unit
  • Stabilisation and transfer of surgical cases to the operating theatre