Westgard Sigma Verification

12 April 2019

Westgard Sigma Verification


Sunway Medical Centre receives first Westgard Sigma Verification in Malaysia

Sunway Medical Centre Laboratory earns the distinction of being the first medical institution in Malaysia to receive the Westgard Sigma Verification.

The Westgard Sigma Verification Program encourages laboratories to define their own quality requirements for intended use and to evaluate their own performance relative to their goals for quality. It provides an evidence-based, data-driven approach to quantify the quality being achieved by a laboratory method as well as confirmation that the laboratory can routinely and consistently deliver that quality.

The programme employs a Six Sigma Quality Management System in the laboratory that provides an objective and quantitative approach to guarantee that the analytical quality of test results is acceptable for their intended clinical use. This verification provides an assurance for the analytical quality of testing processes; the selection and validation of instrument systems; design of quality control procedures; standardisation of quality control practices and proper monitoring and assessment of quality on the sigma scale.

Sunway Medical’s laboratory continuously maintains its high analytical quality by improving its quality control methods to meet the needs of all our stakeholders including the healthcare provider, our patients, the laboratory clinicians as well as the consultants.
