Achilles tendonitis is typically caused by overuse during exercise or excessive walking. This can result in pressure and inflammation, which can affect either the tendon itself or the point at which the Achilles tendon attaches to the bone.


  1. Running every day, brisk walking, or suddenly increasing the intensity and distance of exercise can prevent tendons from adapting properly.
  2. Skipping warm-up and cool-down routines before and after exercise can also contribute to the risk of injury.
  3. Activities that involve sudden stops or rapid changes in direction, such as badminton or tennis, pose a higher risk of injury.
  4. Regularly jumping from heights can also lead to tendon damage.
  5. Wearing high-heeled shoes or footwear without adequate sole support for extended periods can put additional strain on the tendons.
  6. Age-related or prolonged overuse can cause tendon tissue degeneration over time.


  1. Men are more at risk than women when it comes to aging and gender.
  2. Certain congenital conditions like gout, leprosy, and high blood pressure.
  3. Risk factors include flat footedness, overpronation, shortening of the Achilles tendon, and obesity.
  4. Certain types of drugs, such as fluoroquinolones or prolonged use of steroid medication.
  5. Additional risk factors may include improper running technique, frequently running up and down hills, or exposure to unusually cold weather.


The condition typically begins as a mild ache at the back of the heel or an acute swelling and redness that can feel intolerable. The discomfort typically increases during physical activity, but subsides with rest. In chronic cases, a ruptured Achilles tendon or a severe strain resulting from excessive pressure on the heel may occur.


  1. To treat acute redness and swelling, a cool compress can be used along with rest, ice, and keeping the affected area elevated.
  2. When walking, it is recommended that you distribute your weight throughout the foot rather than placing too much pressure on the heel, which can strain the tendon.
  3. If you experience pain when taking your first steps in the morning, it is best to reduce standing or walking as much as possible until the pain subsides.
  4. In some cases, medication or shockwave therapy may be prescribed.
  5. In chronic cases where the condition significantly affects daily life or a tear is identified in screening, surgery may be recommended. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to increase the chances of a full recovery and reduce the likelihood of a recurrence in the future.
