Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia that is currently not treatable and is responsible for approximately 65% of all cases of irreversible dementia. While there is no cure through medication or surgery, proper medical treatment and care can help slow down the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

In general, dementia symptoms consist of impaired reasoning, memory, and changes in personality. The following are signs of Alzheimer’s disease:

  • Confusion about time
  • Inability to maintain a schedule or routine
  • Inability to make decisions
  • Frequently forgetting things
  • Challenges with abstract or critical thinking
  • Rapid or unexplained changes in emotional behavior
  • Difficulty communicating or expressing oneself
  • Poor judgment and reasoning

Diagnosing the Condition

Memory lapses are a common occurrence for everyone, and they typically increase in frequency with age. However, there is no need to worry unless these lapses make it difficult to complete daily tasks.

If you or a loved one suspects that they may be in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, Sunway Medical Centre has a team of expert neurologists who can provide screening and diagnosis for suspected dementia patients. This includes:

  • Discussion of patient history
  • Neurological examination and blood test
  • Cognitive evaluation
  • Brain MRI


Alzheimer's disease not only affects the person with the condition, but also impacts those who care for them, such as friends, family, and employed caregivers. Providing round-the-clock care to keep a dementia patient safe and healthy can cause emotional stress and personal struggle. To handle situations with an Alzheimer's disease patient, keep the following tips in mind instead of confronting or getting agitated:

  • Redirect or redirect attention to avoid causing embarrassment
  • Restate the message, without using the phrase "I already told you"
  • Provide comfort rather than criticism
  • Find common ground instead of arguing
  • Avoid giving orders; instead, use questions to encourage cooperation
  • Offer support and motivation, without being patronizing
  • Remember that difficult behavior is a result of the disease, not the patient's true intention.
