Breast milk is a vital source of nutrition for babies. When expressing and storing it, care should be taken to ensure its quality remains uncompromised.

How to Store Breast Milk?

  1. Preparation: Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap before expressing.
  2. Environment: Choosing a quiet, private space may facilitate easier expression.
  3. Methods: Milk can be expressed manually, using a manual pump or an automatic breast pump.
  4. Containers: Use specially designed bags or containers. For each, store enough milk for one feed and always label with the date, time, and (if needed) your baby’s full name.

Breast Milk Storage Guidelines

  • If placed at room temperature:
    • 27-32°C: 3-4 hours.
    • 16-26°C: 4-8 hours.
  • Cooler with Ice Pack: 15°C: Up to 24 hours.
  • Refrigerator (main compartment, 0-4°C): 3-5 days. Always store in the back, never in the door.
  • Freezer:
    • One-door fridge section: -15°C, up to 2 weeks.
    • Separate freezer section: -18°C, 3-6 months.
    • Standalone/deep freezer: -20°C, 6-12 months.

The Safe Way in Thawing Stored Frozen Milk

Transfer frozen breast milk to the refrigerator a night prior to usage for thawing. Once thawed, it can stay in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

If poured into a bottle and left untouched, it remains good in the refrigerator for 4 hours, and at room temperature for 1 hour.

Never use microwaves or boiling water. Immerse the container in warm water or run under a warm tap.

Pro Tips & Recommendations

  • Use a thermometer to monitor your refrigerator and freezer temperatures.
  • Store breast milk separately from other produce.
  • Discard milk that appears curdled, smells off, or tastes sour.
