A cyst excision refers to the surgical removal of a cyst from the skin. In the absence of this surgical intervention, there's a possibility the cyst could continue to grow. Occasionally, the extracted cyst is forwarded to a laboratory for in-depth analysis.

Preparation for Cyst Excision

  1. Anaesthesia Application: Depending on the cyst's location and kind, a surgeon may either apply or inject local anaesthesia.
  2. Dietary Restrictions: Patients need not abstain from eating before undergoing the procedure.
  3. Procedure Setting: The excision is typically done on an outpatient basis, allowing patients to return home on the same day.

Post-Operative Care

  • Ensure the stitches are covered with a plaster. Adhere to the hospital's guidelines until both the dressing and sutures are taken out, usually in 7-10 days.
  • Showers are acceptable, given the dressing is water-resistant. However, prolonged baths or swimming should be avoided until stitches are removed, ideally for a week.

Warning Symptoms Post-Surgery

If you encounter any of the following symptoms post-surgery, seek medical attention immediately:

  • Swelling, redness, or a warm sensation around the wound
  • Discomfort or discharge from the wound
  • Any unintentional splitting or opening of the wound
  • Onset of fever

Potential Risks of Skin Surgery

Like all surgical interventions, cyst excision is not without risks:

  • Fluid accumulation along the suture lines
  • Formation or tightening of scar tissue during recovery
  • Discrepancies in wound edges, leading to a visible scar
  • Possibility of keloid scar formation, colour alterations, or residual pain
