Pain that begins in the back or hip and radiates down the leg is often a signal of nerve compression in the lower spine's spinal canal. This discomfort might be accompanied by sensations of numbness or muscular weakness. In severe cases, nerve compression can affect bladder or bowel control. Common culprits include:

  • Lumbar Disc Herniation: Frequently referred to as a herniated disc or slipped disc, this occurs when the cushioning disc between the vertebrae protrudes and presses on nerves.
  • Spinal Stenosis: A narrowing of the spaces within your spine, which can put pressure on the nerves.
  • Spondylolisthesis: This is when a vertebra slips over another one.

Other less common causes might be:

  • Spinal Trauma: Fractures due to high- or low-energy injuries.
  • Spinal Infections
  • Spinal Tumors

Recognising the Symptoms

The intensity of pain can vary from mild to debilitating and often extends from the hip through the thigh and down to the lower leg. Numbness or weakness may also be present. Some individuals notice an increase in leg pain after extended periods of walking, known as claudication, forcing them to rest. Pain typically exacerbates when the spine is under pressure, such as during sitting or walking, but may ease when lying down.

Critical symptoms to be alert for include:

  • Red Flag Symptoms: Fever, unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, or pain during the night that disrupts sleep.

Diagnostic Investigations

An MRI scan is the primary diagnostic tool to uncover the exact cause of nerve compression, detailing the problematic area and the severity of the issue. It's often used in tandem with standard X-rays for a comprehensive view.

Treatment Options

The management of nerve compression hinges on the root cause and may include:

  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Changes in daily activities to alleviate symptoms.
  • Medication: To reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Physical Therapy: To strengthen the back muscles and relieve pressure on the nerve.
  • Epidural Steroid Injections: To reduce inflammation around the compressed nerve.
  • Surgical Intervention: Considered when other treatments fail to provide relief.

When facing such spine-related conditions, prompt medical attention and a tailored treatment plan are essential for improving quality of life and mobility.
