The vitreous humor, commonly referred to as the vitreous, is a gel-like substance occupying the space between the lens and retina within the eyeball. This clear, viscous fluid is approximately 2-4 times denser than water, with 99% of its volume being water. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the eye's shape and aids in the refraction of light.

Symptoms Associated with Vitreous Humor Changes

Individuals may observe dark spots, known as floaters, which are more noticeable against bright backgrounds such as a white wall or the sky. This condition is more prevalent in individuals over 40, those with severe myopia, or a history of significant eye trauma.

Causes Behind Vitreous Humor Changes

Changes in the vitreous humor typically occur naturally with age, particularly after 40. Factors increasing the likelihood of these changes include myopia (shortsightedness) and a history of eye injuries or chronic eye inflammation.

Complications Arising from Vitreous Floaters

In some cases, vitreous floaters can lead to the perception of flashing lights in the eye, particularly in darker environments. In severe instances, this can progress to retinal detachment, necessitating immediate medical attention.

Examination and Diagnosis

Diagnosis involves a thorough medical history review, an eye examination, and pupil dilation. Specialised ophthalmic instruments may be employed for a more detailed evaluation.

Treatment Approaches

If symptoms are solely due to vitreous humor degeneration, ongoing observation by an ophthalmologist may suffice. However, in cases involving retinal tears or detachment, prompt treatment is essential to prevent vision impairment.

Preventive Measures and Early Intervention

It's advisable to seek an ophthalmologist's opinion if you notice an increase in floaters or flashes, or experience changes in vision such as blurring. Early consultation is recommended, even prior to scheduled appointments.
