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25th Anniversary Health Screening Promo
Category: promotion
Get Exclusive Discounts with Our 25th Anniversary Health Screening Promotion Take charge of your health with our latest health screening packages. For a limited time only, you can save 25% on our new health screening packages. Choose from a wide range of packages tailored to [...]
28 Of The Most Powerful Photos Of This Week
Category: news
3 Common Heart Diseases in Women
Category: blogpost
It’s often misconstrued that heart disease afflicts mainly men. The fairer gender’s heart should not be taken lightly as all women face the threat of heart disease. HOW DOES HEART DISEASE AFFECT WOMEN? In Malaysia, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one killer among [...]
3 Days 2 Nights Healthcation Package
Category: page
3 Tesla MRI
Category: page
The 3 Tesla (3T) MRI is an advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner with twice the field strength of most conventional MRI scanners. It allows for faster scans, greater detail, clearer images, and more accurate diagnoses. 3 Tesla (3T) MRI is particularly useful in scans of the [...]
3D Mammogram & Ultrasound Breast Promotion
Category: promotion
3D Mammogram Promotion
Category: promotion
Protect yourself against breast cancer! Breast Cancer is one of the most common cancer among women in Malaysia. In conjunction with Pink October Campaign 2020, Sunway Medical Centre is offering 3D Mammogram promotion to raise awareness about breast cancer. Early detection is key in the treatment [...]
3D Mammogram Screening Package
Category: promotion
With Breast Cancer, Early Detection Matters Early detection is crucial for effective breast cancer treatment and can significantly increase survival rates. Our detailed 3D Mammogram Screening offers advanced technology for identifying breast cancer in its earliest stages—often before [...]
3D Mammogram: Early Detection Will Save Your Life
Category: promotion
Women aged 40 or above should be examined for breast cancer once a year. 3D mammography detects 41% more invasive cancer than a conventional mammogram. Benefits Better cancer detection in dense breast tissue Earlier cancer detection More accurate [...]
4 Simple Ways to Prevent Heart Disease
Category: blogpost
If you're looking to prevent heart disease and show your heart some love, look no further. In this blog post, we'll explore four simple ways to prioritize your heart health, from exercise and healthy eating to quitting smoking and incorporating supplements into your diet. The [...]
4-Week Individual Therapy: Mindful-SUN & Mindful-WAY
Category: community-happenings
4-WEEK INDIVIDUAL THERAPY Mindful-SUN & Mindful-WAY Malaysia’s FIRST EVER structured stress reduction & wellness programs that combine ancient wisdom of mindfulness and state-of-the-art research in cognitive behavioral therapy and positive psychology. Customized for the multiethnic [...]
5-Week Group Training: Mindful-GYM
Category: community-happenings
5-Week Group Training: Mindful-GYM Open to individuals, organisations, & SunMed staff Malaysia’s FIRST EVER structured stress reduction & wellness programme that combines ancient wisdom of mindfulness and state-of-the-art research in cognitive behavioral therapy & positive [...]
8 Out Of Every 10 People With Diabetes Have "Rotten Feet": Amputation Not The Worst, Bacterial Infections Are The Worst
Category: news
The effects of diabetes are far-reaching, from the eyes to the body organs, and even the feet will be subject to varying degrees of damage, in which the diabetic foot is regarded as one of the most common complications of diabetes. Consultant Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics, Dr Chua Yeok Pin [...]
9 Simple Ways to Relieve Back Pain
Category: blogpost
Tips for Back Pain Relief Almost everyone has experienced back pain at some point in their lives. Whether it's from poor posture, lifting something heavy, or a more serious condition like a slipped disc or sciatica, back pain can disrupt daily life. Here are some practical tips you can easily [...]
A Battle Against Skin Diseases Among Children
Category: news
Children and infants have young developing immune systems. As the system matures gradually, it faces various challenges from infective agents and allergens. This sometimes predisposes young children to a range of skin diseases. “Every skin condition has its unique management approach. [...]
A COVID-Safe Hospital
Category: promotion
We make sure you receive the timely care you need, in safe hands. To avoid undue delays on surgeries or necessary procedures from fear of COVID-19 infection, we have an undeniable duty to keep you safe and free from the pandemic's harm. From strict observance of social distancing [...]
A Dangerous Pull
Category: news
Giving a new exercise routine a try or jumping on a new fitness trend to get your weight loss game started sounds like a good plan and rather harmless, except for maybe a day or two of muscle soreness. Body aches and muscle soreness after exercising happens to almost everyone when you push [...]
A Day in the Life of a Pharmacist at Sunway Medical Centre, Janice Saw
Category: blogpost
Many people think pharmacists only hand out medicine, but Janice Saw, a Senior Pharmacist at Sunway Medical Centre, does much more. She works with doctors, joins ward rounds, and gives important medication advice. “We’re like walking dictionaries,” she jokes. Janice [...]
A day in the life of Jenny Chong, The Story of a Renal Transplant Nurse
Category: blogpost
How long have you been working as a nurse and what is your sub-specialty? Including my training, I have been working as a nurse for 31 years. I started as a surgical ward nurse for almost 4 years before I moved on to work as a hemodialysis nurse since 1998. The change was for me to learn a [...]
A day in the life of Richel Emong, The Story of an Operation Theatre Robotic Nurse
Category: blogpost
How long have you been working as a nurse? This year would be my 12th year since I’ve been a nurse. I got my nursing qualification & certification in 2010, and joined Sunway Medical Centre (SMC) in August. I was placed in the Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD), where I [...]