Virtual Parentcraft Antenatal Classes for Expectant Couples

11 February 2022

Parenting is a topic that mystifies most couples. Parents-to-be have the option of picking up a book to prepare, speak to other parents and learn from them, or possibly do a search to find information online.

However, the value of an antenatal class is being able to hear from healthcare professionals on topics that range from labour, delivery, postnatal care, to breastfeeding; all from the convenience and safety of your homes.

This is why Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City has adopted a virtual approach, organising the Virtual Parentcraft Class to benefit couples on their new and exciting journey.

Expecting a child is one of the most exciting times in a couple’s lives. From the very decision to have children, getting pregnant, childbirth and welcoming a new life, the learning process is endless. Most parents would also agree that while there is a lot of joy involved in parenthood, it is not unusual for new parents to feel overwhelmed.

Instead of allowing stress to take over, the Virtual Parentcraft Classes hopes to empower mummies and daddies to-be with enough knowledge and skills in their repository that they can draw from when the challenge arises. The topics covered that aim to support couples are on labour and delivery, prenatal and postnatal care, care of a newborn, breastfeeding, vaccination, nutrition, fitness and screening of a newborn’s hearing.

A first-time mum who joined last year’s session commented that the class gave her the stepping stones to becoming a parent. Due to deliver sometime this year, she finds comfort knowing what to expect when labour starts and that she can count on her doctor, midwife and nurses to support her. She liked the fact that each session was delivered in a detailed manner, and that all her questions were answered.

The sessions are facilitated by Sunway Medical Centre’s obstetricians and gynaecologists, paediatricians and healthcare professionals including the nursing team, dietitians, physiotherapists and speech therapists. Couples will also have the opportunity to ask any questions they have and learn on the various facets of becoming parents, such as pregnancy-involved complications, preparing for a positive birth experience and initiating breastfeeding, among others.

The Virtual Parentcraft Classes will be conducted 4 times over the course of this year, which are on Saturdays from 2pm to 5pm. In order to pace out the learning, classes are split into two sessions and will be held on the following dates: Class 1 - Feb 19 and 26, Class 2 - May 21 and 28, Class 3 - August 6 and 13, and Class 4 - November 12 and 19. Each class is priced at RM100 per couple, and is complimentary for couples who deliver their baby at Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City. Couples will also have access to all materials and resources shared during the classes for future reference.

Interested couples can sign up at the Registration Counter at Sunway Medical Centre’s Women and Children Centre at 2nd Floor, Tower B or on its website:

Sunway Medical Centre is running a promotion for expecting couples where couples get to enjoy extra benefits should you decide to deliver your baby at the hospital. Visit to learn more about this.

Source: The Star 
