Essential Eye Care Tips for Optimal Eye Health

08 April 2019


Our eyes are one of the most vital organs in our body, but yet one of the most vulnerable due to it being an external organ. Our eyes are constantly exposed to countless types of foreign substances. Therefore, eye safety can be easily overlooked as most people think that eye safety is limited to hazardous work environment. Caring for our eyes is much more than that; from everyday office setting to sports and even during kids’ playtime.

Caring for Your Eyes

Taking note on eye safety precautions in our everyday life can help prevent the risk of eye injuries. It is also important to educate our children as this can protect not just their vision, but at times their lives.

Here are some tips for caring of the eyes:

Nutrition for Eye Health: Foods to Eat for Strong Vision

Food can help prevent or reduce the risk of blindness due to certain eye diseases. Some of the nutrients and supplements that are good for eye health are antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and micronutrients like selenium. These supplements can be found in foods such as avocados, eggs, nuts, brinjal, salmon, tuna, and more.

Eating a well-balanced diet is good for your general health as it has been shown that most of the eye-healthy foods are also good for the heart, brain, joints and blood vessels.

Quit Smoking for Improved Eye Health

People who smoke are at a higher risk of getting cataracts, optic nerve damage, and macular degeneration. Quitting smoking is a daunting task for most smokers; however, the more times a person tries to quit, the more likely he or she is to succeed.

Sunglasses: A Stylish Accessory for Eye Health

Sunglasses are crucial for preventing long-term sun damage to the eyes. Be sure to select and wear those that block both ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B radiation from the sun. Too much UV exposure can increase the risk of getting cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Protective Eyewear: Safeguarding Your Eyes in Sports and Work

When working with chemicals or power tools, or engaging in hobbies involving small pieces of material, it is important to always wear proper eye protection or safety glasses.

Any sports in which balls, racquets or flying objects are present pose a potential for eye injury. Wear eye protection, such as helmets with protective face masks or sports goggles with polycarbonate lenses to shield your eyes.

Rest Your Eyes

We tend to use the computer for long periods of time and it is easy to keep staring at the screen without moving away or blinking. This can cause eyestrain, blurry vision, dry eyes and can eventually lead to headaches, neck, back and shoulder pain.

Remember the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, rest your eyes by looking 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Be sure to blink more especially when your eyes feel dry.

Regular Eye Checkups: A Crucial Step for Maintaining Eye Health

Getting your eyes checked regularly can help protect your sight. And if you notice any persistent and unexplained irritation, schedule an appointment with your doctor right away.

Teaching Kids about Eye Care: Building Healthy Habits

You are your children’s advocate. Educate and guide them on the proper steps to take when it comes to protecting their eyes. Apart from wearing sunglasses, protect your children from the sun by having them wear a wide-brimmed hat and wearing sunscreen. Wearing goggles in the pool that can help prevent eye irritation.

Childproof your home so that your children are not able to reach any harmful chemicals, cleaners, and other substances that could burn their eyes. Always handle sharp objects, including knives, scissors, and even pencils, with extreme care. Do not allow small children to have access to them.

Always supervise your children’s playtime including the types of toys to ensure there are no sharp, pointy ends or high velocity projectiles. Remember that fireworks are also an important cause of eye injuries in children.

Lastly, be updated with the essential first aid steps to take in the event of eye injuries.


  1. Eye Safety Basics. Available at
  2. Eye Safety. Available at
  3. Child Safety Basics. Available at
  4. Eye and Face Protection. Available at
  5. How To Maintain Good Eye Health. Available at